UNE Sports Academy - Expression of Interest

Thank you for your interest in in the UNE Sports Academy. If you experience any issues with this form, or have further questions, please phone SportUNE on 02 6773 1716 or email mpine@une.edu.au.


You must be studying at UNE to qualify for the UNE Sports Academy.

You should mention your highest representative achievements in your named sport, other representative honours you have achieved and/or sporting qualification obtained (eg coaching/refereeing certificates etc.). List year of achievement, team, category (eg U/18), as appropriate. (100 words or less) Any supporting documentation can be uploaded below.

If providing details, full name, position they hold and **a contact number is required**. Email is also desirable.

Note: UNE College allocation will be determined subject to availability

I acknowledge that my application to the UNE Sports Academy will be considered on the basis of criteria that includes my academic performance at UNE. By checking the box below, I provide my consent to UNE Student Success staff to provide a copy of my academic record to the UNE Sports Academy in support of my application. I understand that the supply of information to complete this application, is voluntary. I also understand that if the requested information is not supplied in full, my application may not be assessed. All personal information will be managed in accordance with the University’s [Privacy Management Rule][1]. All successful applications and supporting material will be stored securely in accordance with the University’s [Privacy Management Rule][2] . [1]: https://policies.une.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00130 [2]: https://policies.une.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00130